Club Weekly News
Feb 16 2022
💡 This week’s newsletter will highlight:
“ Lay-Off ” !
Check Out the News!

Newsletter part 2 :
More about Lay-Off
Why are Tech Companies Laying Off so Many People?
Economic uncertainty (external factors) and poor performance (internal factors)
Shrinking advertising budgets and the cryptocurrency market's implosion are factors that may have influenced the decision to cut headcounts.
At face value, widespread layoffs in the tech sector might appear to be a bad omen for the wider economy.
Thankfully, payroll and wage data from the U.S. government have exceeded expectations, and the country’s unemployment rate is close to a half-century low.
What Do These Job Cuts Mean for the Economy?
So, why the disconnect?
Tech jobs only account for less than 3% of total employment in America. As well, tech workers who’ve lost their jobs are likely to secure new jobs in short order.
Want a real story?
Check out the video below and listen to what Alex said!
Video Interview:
Reach out to industry Professionals
Interview with Alex -- Software Engineer at Google